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Unlocking the Power of AI in HR: Boosting Employee Retention


Employee turnover is a global challenge, especially in Malaysia. The reasons behind employees leaving organizations are varied and often linked to HR functions. High turnover rates lead to significant costs and disruptions, impacting training and productivity. This essay delves into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HRM can tackle these issues, enhancing employee retention by optimizing recruitment, training, development, and performance appraisal processes.


Employee turnover is a persistent issue worldwide, with rates reaching 10.9% in 2017, particularly high in sectors like accommodation services. In Malaysia, the hotel industry faces high turnover rates, impacting the national GDP. This sector's customer-centric nature demands effective communication among workers and tourists to maintain performance. High turnover rates are often due to inadequate training, poor employee engagement, and skill mismatches.

AI in HR Practices

AI presents promising solutions to turnover issues by enhancing HR practices through machine learning, big data analysis, and other AI technologies. These tools enable organizations to predict turnover, optimize recruitment, boost engagement, and conduct sentiment analysis, ultimately creating a positive work environment and increasing retention.

Research Objectives

This study aims to examine the relationship between AI in HRM (specifically in recruitment, training, and performance appraisal) and employee retention. Additionally, it explores the mediating role of employee engagement in this relationship.

Literature Review

Employee Retention

Employee retention is about keeping your workforce stable and reducing turnover rates. Effective strategies help organizations retain valuable employees, leading to better performance and lower costs related to hiring and training new staff. These strategies include hiring the right candidates, fostering good relationships, offering competitive compensation, creating a positive culture, and providing career development opportunities.

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement measures an employee’s enthusiasm and dedication to their job. Engaged employees are more likely to stay, perform better, and help achieve organizational goals. Factors that boost engagement include learning and development opportunities, supportive work environments, and regular performance feedback. Investing in engagement often leads to lower turnover and higher satisfaction.

Artificial Intelligence in HR Practices

AI can significantly enhance HR functions by automating repetitive tasks, analyzing large datasets, and providing insights to improve decision-making. AI tools streamline recruitment, enhance training with personalized experiences, and improve performance appraisals with unbiased, data-driven evaluations.

AI in Recruitment and Selection

AI can speed up recruitment by automating resume screening and initial assessments. These tools expand the applicant pool and predict retention rates, helping attract and retain top talent. AI chatbots improve candidate communication, providing timely updates and answering questions, enhancing the candidate experience and engagement.

AI in Training and Development

AI personalizes training programs based on individual needs, ensuring effective learning and development. It identifies skill gaps and recommends specific training, increasing satisfaction and engagement, leading to higher retention rates.

AI in Performance Appraisal

AI-powered appraisal systems offer frequent, accurate evaluations, reducing biases and improving fairness. They provide real-time feedback and coaching, helping employees improve performance and feel valued. Fair appraisals foster a culture of recognition and appreciation, boosting engagement and retention.

Employee Engagement as a Mediator

Employee engagement is crucial in the relationship between AI in HR practices and employee retention. AI enhances engagement by offering growth opportunities, real-time feedback, and a supportive environment. Engaged employees are more likely to stay, leading to higher retention rates.

Theoretical Framework

The Social Exchange Theory (SET) helps understand how AI in HR practices influences employee retention. SET suggests employees maintain relationships based on perceived benefits. When AI-driven HR practices are seen as positive and supportive, employees reciprocate with higher engagement and loyalty, increasing retention.


This study uses a systematic literature review (SLR) method, analyzing contemporary literature on AI in HRM, employee retention, and engagement. Articles from databases like Emerald, Taylor and Francis Online, ResearchGate, and ProQuest, covering 2000 to 2023, form the basis of a theoretical framework examining AI's impact on employee retention.


Integrating AI in HR practices can significantly boost employee retention. AI streamlines recruitment, leading to better hires and higher engagement. Personalized AI training programs increase satisfaction and commitment. AI-powered appraisals provide fair evaluations, fostering a recognition culture.


Embracing AI in HR is vital for improving employee retention. AI enhances recruitment, training, and appraisals, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction. By creating a supportive and engaging environment, organizations can retain top talent and achieve better outcomes. As AI evolves, staying updated with advancements and integrating them into HR practices is essential for competitiveness and optimizing retention.

Practical Implications

Implementing AI in HR involves challenges like data quality, security, and integration. Organizations must ensure accurate, secure data to avoid biased outcomes. Despite challenges, AI's benefits in HR outweigh drawbacks, making it a valuable tool for enhancing retention.

This study highlights AI's potential in HRM to reduce turnover and increase retention. By focusing on AI-driven HR practices and engagement, organizations can develop strategies for a positive environment, retaining valuable employees. As AI advances, its role in HRM will be crucial for organizational success in a competitive landscape.